On the first day of the year we commemorate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic. The common Czecho-Slovak state ceased to exist and two successor states emerged – Slovakia and the Czech Republic. On this day we commemorate the total secession, separation and division.

Collector 2€ coincard - 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic

  • shiny, packed in a special plastic card, limited and numbered edition of 4000 pcs ISSUED
  • Issue date: JANUARY 2018
Coin set 2018 „25th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic“ with 2€ commemorative coin
  • Finishing: SU (special uncirculated), mintage 3000 pieces ISSUED
  • Issue date: JANUARY 2018
Commemorative medal 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic
  • Finishing: gold 986/1000, ø 25 mm, 7 g, proof, limited numbered edition 100 pieces ISSUED
  • Finishing: silver 999/1000, ø 40 mm, 28g, proof, limited numbered edition 200 pieces ISSUED
  • Finishing: brass 90, ø 40 mm, goldplated proof ISSUED
  • Issue date: JANUARY 2018
Not minted versions of Slovak collector coins - €25 silver collector coin 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic
Set of two silver medals placed in a wooden box, depicting the motifs of unrealized designs from the public anonymous competition for the art design of the collector coin.
The collector coin itself is not a part of this set.
  • Finishing: silver 999/1000, ø 40 mm, 28 g, proof, 200 pcs limited and numbered edition
  • Issue date: FEBRUARY 2018
The most famous games in human history were held every fourth year on the Peloponnese peninsula in the town of Olympia. The Olympic Games have been held for more than a thousand years with a regularity that raises admiration and respect. The first known Olympic Games took place in 776 BC, and it was also the first dated event of Greek history and the beginning of the Greek calendar. PyeongChang will host the XXIII Olympic Games from 9 to 28 February 2018. It is a long time dream come true for the Korean centre.
Set of Slovak euro coins - XXIII.Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018
  • Finishing: SU (special uncirculated), mintage 6000 pcs ISSUED
  • Finishing: Proof – like, mintage 1500 pcs in plexi box ISSUED
  • Finishing: Proof – like, mintage 800 pcs in wooden box ISSUED
  • Issue date: FEBRUARY 2018
This year again, several medals will be added to the series of medals of historical districts in Slovakia. The edition consists of 20 medals depicting coats of arms of historical districts in the territory of present-day Slovakia from the period 1884 to 1918. In 2018, medals with coats of arms of the Novohrad, Orava, Ostrihom and Ráb counties will be issued and added to this edition.
Gold medal - Novohrad district
  • Finishing: Au 999/1000, proof – like, 0,49 g, o11 mm, ø11 mm ISSUED
  • Issue date: MARCH 2018
Gold medal - Orava district
  • Finishing: Au 999/1000, proof – like, 0,49 g, ø11 mm ISSUED
  • Issue date: JUNE 2018
Gold medal - Ostrihom district
  • Finishing: Au 999/1000, proof – like, 0,49 g, ø11 mm ISSUED
  • Issue date: AUGUST 2018
Gold medal - Ráb district
  • Finishing: Au 999/1000, proof – like, 0,49 g, ø11 mm ISSUED
  • Issue date: DECEMBER 2018
After fairy tales of Popolvar, Laktibrada and Three Raven Brothers, other interesting fairy tales of Dobšinský are waiting for us. A new series of silver medals captures popular fairy tales of Pavol Dobšinský. Publications of his folktales have become the fundamental works of Slovak folklore and they have been spread for many decades. With a series of silver medals, we will gradually bring you seven selected fairy tales of Pavol Dobšinský in silver and brass versions.
Silver and brass medal - Dobšinský fairy tales nr.4
  • Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 34 mm, 20 g, patinated, tampoprint, 200 pcs limited edition
  • Finishing: Ms 90, ø 15,4 g, patinated, tampoprint ISSUED
  • Issue date: MARCH 2018
Silver and brass medal - Dobšinský fairy tales nr.5
  • Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 34 mm, 20 g, patinated, tampoprint, 200 pcs limited edition
  • Finishing: Ms 90, ø 34 mm, 15,4 g, patinated, tampoprint ISSUED
  • Issue date: MAY 2018
Silver and brass medal - Dobšinský fairy tales nr.6
  • Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 34 mm, 20 g, patinated, tampoprint, 200 pcs limited edition
  • Finishing: Ms 90, ø 34 mm, 15,4 g, patinated, tampoprint
  • Issue date: AUGUST 2018
Silver and brass medal - Dobšinský fairy tales nr.7
  • Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 34 mm, 20 g, patinated, tampoprint, 200 pcs limited edition
  • Finishing: Ms 90,ø, 15,4 g, patinated, tampoprint
  • Issue date: NOVEMBER 2018
Štefan Banič, a native of Smolenice, constructed the first usable parachute in 1913 working on the umbrella principle with a system of several springs. His parachute design solved what was then a problem of so-called floating in the air. The parachute was attached to the aviator’s body, on the chest under the arms, using straps. From a technical point of view, the parachute worked on the principle of the umbrella-like telescopic construction, which carried a textile cover.
Set of Slovak euro coins - World-known inventions of Slovak inventors - Štefan Banič - inventor of the parachute
  • Finishing: SU (special uncirculated), mintage 2000 pcs
  • Issue date: APRIL 2018
After the inauguration of Ferdinand I, there were efforts made to unify currencies of Austrian hereditary countries with coins circulating within Hungary. At the beginning of the 16th century, unfavourable economic conditions made it necessary to strike large silver coins that would replace small currencies. This is how a new coin named thaler originated. The face side of thalers, half thalers and quarter thalers featured a picture of a half-figure of the monarch in armour. In 2018, four replicas from this edition are waiting for us.
Silver replica of thaler - Karol VI. from year 1724
  • Finishing: Ag 925/1000, patinated, ø 40 mm, 28 g, 300 pcs limited edition ISSUED
  • Issue date: APRIL 2018
Silver replica of thaler - Karol VI. from year 1736
  • Finishing: Ag 925/1000, patinated,ø 40 mm, 28 g, 300 pcs limited edition ISSUED
  • Issue date: JUNE 2018
Silver replica of thaler – Mária Terézia from year 1741
  • Finishing: Ag 925/1000, patinated, ø 40 mm, 28 g, 300 pcs limited edition ISSUED
  • Issue date: OCTOBER 2018
Silver replica of thaler – Mária Terézia from year 1745
  • Finishing: Ag 925/1000, patinated, ø 40 mm, 28 g, 300 pcs limited edition ISSUED
  • Issue date: DECEMBER 2018
The edition consists of coins depicting the motifs of Slovak monuments, which represents the particular architectural styles in recent history. On the obverse side is depicted the monument of Slovakia, which represents the particular style. The reverse side belonging to the issuing authority Niue depicts the nominal value of the coin 2 Dollars and portrait of Queen Elisabeth II. and the mintage year. The Baroque and Art Nouveau style will be the style depicted on the coin in 2018.
Silver investment coin - Architecture in Slovak history – Baroque
  • Finishing: 2 Dollars, Ag 999/1000, ø 40 mm, 31,1 g, patinated, tampoprint, 300 pcs limited edition
  • Issue date: APRIL 2018
Silver investment coin - Architecture in Slovak history – Art Nouveau
  • Finishing: 2 Dollars, Ag 999/1000, ø 40 mm, 31,1 g, patinated, tampoprint, 300 pcs limited edition
  • Issue date: SEPTEMBER 2018
The climate in Slovakia has changed several times, affecting the species composition of fauna and flora. Some species have survived, others have died. Continual warming caused that new thermophilous species of animals and plants spread to our territory. The new series of gold investment coins "Fauna and Flora in Slovakia" captures unique representatives of the animal and plant kingdom of Slovakia. In the series, unique plants and animals from the territory of Slovakia are gradually released.
Gold investment coin - Fauna and flora in Slovakia
  • Finishing: Nominál 10 Dollars: Au 999/1000, ø 18 mm, 3,11 g, proof, 250pcs limited edition, plant motif ISSUED
  • Finishing: Nominál 250 Dollars: Au 999/1000, ø 34 mm, 31,1 g, proof, 200pcs limited edition, animal motif
  • Issue date: JULY 2018
Gold investment coin - Fauna and flora in Slovakia
  • Finishing: Nominál 10 Dollars: Au 999/1000, ø 18 mm, 3,11 g, proof, 250pcs limited edition, plant motif ISSUED
  • Finishing: Nominál 250 Dollars: Au 999/1000, ø 34 mm, 31,1 g, proof, 200pcs limited edition, animal motif
  • Issue date: NOVEMBER 2018
The set consists of 3 medals depicting folk costumes of particular Slovak regions. To produce these medals we used the proof dies combined with colour print - this combination emphasizes the beauty of the Slovak folklore and its unique folk costumes. Medals will be available as a limited set (mintage 50 pcs) and also available individually in patinated finishing.
Set of silver medals - Slovak folk culture – folk costume 2018
  • Finishing: Ag 999/1000, proof - tampoprint, 20 g, ø 34 mm, 50 pcs limited edition
  • Issue date: MAY 2018
Individual medals - Slovak folk culture – folk costume 2018
  • Individual medals: Ag 999/1000, 20 g, ø 34 mm, patinated, tamoprint
  • Issue date: MAY 2018
Czecho-Slovakia was established on 28 October 1918 on the ruins of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. That night, the Czechoslovak National Committee issued the first so-called Reception Act on the establishment of the independent Czecho-Slovak state, and subsequently the declaration of the National Committee „People of Czechoslovakia. Your eternal dream has come true...“ was made public. This year, we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the independent state of Czechs and Slovaks, many of whom consider themselves brothers and sisters of the former common nation.
Set of Slovak euro coins and Czech crowns - 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic
The set is issued in cooperation with the Czech mint and contains both Slovak eurocoins and the Czech koruna.
  • Finishing: SU (special uncirculated), mintage 5000 pieces ISSUED
  • Issue date: SEPTEMBER 2018
Set of commemorative medals - 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic
Gold or silver set contains medals, one of which is minted in Kremnica Mint (Slovakia) and the second medal is minted in Czech Mint.
  • Finishing: 2 medals, Ag, 999/1000, ø 40 mm, 31,1g (1 Oz), PROOF, limited edition 500 pcs ISSUED
  • Finishing: 2 medals, Au, 999/1000, ø 22 mm, 7g, PROOF, limited edition 300 pcs ISSUED
  • Issue date: OKTÓBER 2018
Not minted versions of Slovak collector coins - 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic
Set of two medals depicting the motifs of unrealized designs from the public anonymous competition for the art design of the collector coin. The collector coin itself is not a part of this set. Both medals are placed in a wooden box.
  • Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 34 mm, 20 g, proof, 200 pcs limited numbered edition ISSUED
  • Issue date: OCTOBER 2018
Francis Stephen, the Crown Prince of Lorraine, was to take over the government of Lorraine after his father’s death. During the war of the Polish succession to the throne of Lorraine, the French occupied Lorraine. Later, they proposed to exchange the duchy for Tuscany, where the whole Medici dynasty was threatened to extinction. The emperor agreed to the exchange and Francis Stephen had to make a choice whether to renounce the country of his ancestors and become the Grand Duke of Tuscany and the husband of Maria Theresa, the heiress of the Habsburg Monarchy, or whether to refuse and fight to gain the occupied country back. He chose the first option and married Maria Theresa, who took over the government after her father Charles VI. died and made her husband a co-regent.
Set of 5 silver Kreutzers replicas of František Lotrinský 1758 - 1763
  • 1 Kreutzer from year 1758 - Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 16 mm, 0,8g ISSUED
  • 3 Kreutzer from year 1751 - Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 19-22 mm, 1,6g ISSUED
  • 3 Kreutzer from year 1748 - Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 19-22 mm, 1,6g ISSUED
  • 3 Kreutzer from year 1753 - Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 19-22 mm, 1,6g ISSUED
  • 7 Kreutzer from year 1763 - Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 23,5-25 mm, 3,2g ISSUED
  • Limited edition 300 pcs
  • Issue date: AUGUST 2018
The UNESCO list includes various cultural monuments and natural rarities from our country, Slovakia, as well. Our sites inscribed on the List include the historical centre of Bardejov, the historical centre of Banská Štiavnica and its technical monuments, our exceptional caves of the Slovak Karst, an inhabited village Vlkolínec, which is also an open-air museum with typical wooden houses documenting the way of life in the past, the largest castle in Central Europe – Spiš Castle and its surroundings, and the latest additions, beech forests of the Carpathians and wooden churches in the northeast of Slovakia, that will be depicted on a set of euro coins this year.
Set of Slovak euro coins UNESCO World Heritage in Slovakia –Wooden churches
  • Finishing: SU (special uncirculated), mintage 2000 pcs
  • Issue date: OCTOBER 2018
Not minted versions of Slovak collector coins – Bratislava Coronations - 400th anniversary of the coronation of Ferdinand II.
Set of two medals depicting the motifs of unrealized designs from the public anonymous competition for the art design of the collector coin. The collector coin itself is not a part of this set. Both medals are placed in a wooden box.
  • Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 26 mm, 6 g, proof, proof, 200 pcs limited numbered edition
  • Issue date: DECEMBER 2018
The Kremnica Mint has been writing its great story – history since 17 November 1328, when the Hungarian King Charles Robert of Anjou promoted Kremnica from the settlement to the town of Kremnica and granted the town privileges to operate a mint. The mint has been in operation continuously for 690 years which we commemorate and celebrate this year.
Commemorative medal 690th anniversary of Mincovna Kremnica establishment
  • Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 40 mm, 1 Oz, PROOF, tampoprint, limited edition 200 pcs ISSUED
  • Finishing: Au 999/1000, ø 25 mm, 7 g, PROOF, limited edition 100 pcs ISSUED
  • Finishing: Ms 90, ø 40 mm, silver patinated ISSUED
  • Issue date: OCTOBER 2018
Every year we issue a Christmas medal and a calendar for the next year. By combining medals and calendars of previous years, beautiful and unique series are created. This year’s products will be included as well.
Calendar 2019
Calendar 2019 - from the edition "The master pieces of world artists". Plaque with motifs of the famous artists on the obverse and calendar 2019 on the reverse.
  • Finishing: Ms 90 , brass patinated, diameter 63 x 82 mm ISSUED
  • Finishing: Ms 90 , silver patinated , 63 x 82 mm ISSUED
  • Issue date: SEPTEMBER 2018
Christmas medal 2018
New edition of medals with Christmas motifs.
  • Finishing: Au 999/1000, ø 20 mm, 3.5 g, 200 pcs ISSUED
  • Finishing: Ag 999/1000, ø 34 mm, 20 g, limited edition 300 ks ISSUED
  • Finishing: Ms90, AV goldplated, ø 34 mm, 15,4 g ISSUED
  • Issue date: NOVEMBER 2018

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